Message from the Mayor

Ville de Kirkland

17 200, boulevard Hymus
Kirkland (Québec)  H9J 3Y8
Téléphone : 514-694-4100 - Télécopieur : 514-630-2721



August 30, 2024

Mr. François Legault
Premier of Quebec
Honoré-Mercier Building, 3rd floor
835 René-Lévesque Blvd. East
Quebec City, Quebec G1A 1B4

Re: General Disaster Financial Assistance Program (GDFAP)

Dear Prime Minister,

I am writing to you today in my capacity as Mayor of the Town of Kirkland to ask for your help on behalf of the thousands of citizens of towns like ours that were severely affected by the torrential rains of August 9 and 10.

The unprecedented intensity of the storms caused devastating flooding and extensive damage across the province, affecting more than 1,000 of the 6,500 single-family homes in our municipality.

Although we swiftly put emergency measures in place to support our citizens, it quickly became apparent that the extent of the damage far exceeded the financial capacities and logistical resources of our municipality.

I therefore appeal to your understanding and compassion towards the thousands of homeowners and tenants who have seen their homes flooded due to sewer backups or water infiltration on their property, and who are therefore ineligible for your government's General Disaster Financial Assistance Program (GDFAP).

Severely affected both materially and emotionally, these citizens do not understand why they are not entitled to any compensation under the GDFAP, unlike other victims flooded by the same torrential rains on August 9 and 10, who are entitled to compensation simply because of their proximity to a watercourse.

These citizens are now turning to their municipality for support in this difficult ordeal.  It is therefore on their behalf that I implore you to follow through on your promise of August 16 to extend the GDFAP to all families affected by the torrential rains of August 9 and 10, regardless of the source of water infiltration in their homes.

On behalf of the members of the Kirkland Town Council, I would like to thank you for your attention.  I look forward to receiving your favorable reply. Please accept, Mr. Prime Minister, the assurances of my highest consideration.


Michel Gibson


c.c.:  Mr. François Bonnardel, Minister of Public Security and Minister Responsible for the Estrie Region


Michel Gibson

District 1 - Timberlea

Michael Brown

District 2 - Holleuffer

Luciano Piciacchia

District 3 - Brunswick

Nancy Kokinasidis

District 4 - Lacey Green Ouest

Domenico Zito

District 5 - Lacey Green Est

Stephen Bouchard

District 6 - Canvin

John Morson

District 7 - Saint-Charles

Paul Dufort

District 8 - Summerhill

Karen Cliffe