Services for handicapped people - Ville de Kirkland

Services for handicapped people

Services for handicapped people

Kirkland is mindful of the specific needs of residents living with handicaps and intends to pursue its efforts to ensure that they are fully integrated in all aspects of community life.  To this effect, this page lists some of the key services currently offered to persons with disabilities by the municipality or the provincial government.

Leisure Companion Card (Carte accompagnement loisirs)

The Leisure Companion Card is accepted in all of Kirkland’s Recreation and Library programs. This card gives the companion of a person with a disability or who has a mental illness, free access to tourist, recreational or cultural activities and programs. The person holding a Leisure Companion Card will be required to show proof of accreditation at registration time.
Information : AlterGo 514 933-2739, ext. 244

Residential Adaptation Assistance Program

This program, which is run by the Société d’Habitation du Québec, provides financial assistance to people with disabilities to help them pay for the work involved in making their homes more accessible and adapted to their needs.

Information: 514 694-4100, ext. 3104 or 1 800 463-4315

Day Camp Companion Program

The Kirkland Day Camp programs welcome children with physical or intellectual difficulties with the help of a government grant. To allow us the opportunity to better serve the specific needs of your child, you must contact the Recreation Department before the month of March, each year.
Information: 514 630-2719

211  (7 DAYS, 8 am to 6 pm)

211 service helps curb poverty and social exclusion, giving the people with non-urgent social needs rapid information on the social and community resources that will help them find solutions to move beyond their precarious situations. 2-1-1 is a free service, largely accessible especially for seniors. 

Wheelchair accessible facilities

Several buildings in Kirkland are accessible to people in wheelchairs:

  • Town Hall – 17200 Hymus Boulevard
  • Sports Complex – 16950 Hymus Boulevard
  • Library – 17100 Hymus Boulevard
  • Municipal Garage – 25 Claude-Jodoin Street
  • Kirkland Park Chalet – 81 Park Ridge Street
  • Des Bénévoles Park Chalet – 18180 Elkas Boulevard
  • Holleuffer Park Chalet - 75 Charlevoix Street
  • Meades Park - 16950 Hymus Boulevard

Companion card

Persons with a visual or intellectual disability who can use the STM transit system but still need to be accompanied to find their way more easily or for their personal safety can obtain a Companion card. The companion card provides free travel for the person who accompanies the cardholder while he or she uses the STM’s bus and métro transit system.


Biblio Express

Can’t come to the Library? Let LIBRARY Express come to you! A free home delivery service for Kirkland residents who are members of the Kirkland Library and satisfy one of the following criteria:

  • Person with reduced mobility
  • Person suffering from a temporary or long-term illness
  • Person confined to home due to an accident

Whether your heart is set on borrowing a regular, audio or large print book, or any other document from our collection, our dedicated volunteers will take care of everything, including delivery to you!
Information: 514 630-2726

Workstation for the Visually Impaired

A self-serve Optelec workstation, specially designed for blind or visually impaired people, is available in the study room at the Library. This workstation has the ability to scan and magnify printed text from magazines, newspapers and books and convert it into synthesized speech. Users can also create and save magnified text on SD cards, USB keys or other storage devices, and view their recordings on their own computer, in the comfort of their home.
Information: 514 630-2726

Adapted documents

The Library offers large print books, audio books as well as e-books for members that have a visual or hearing impairment.
Information: 514 630-2726


Library members can now borrow English and French e-books from the comfort of their homes.

In order to use this service, you must have your library card (identification code) and your password, which you get by filling out the registration form.
Information : 514 630-2726

The Town of Kirkland endeavours to promote universal accessibility throughout its territory, including infrastructures, services to the public and recreational and cultural programming of activities.

We welcome any information you may have to help us improve this service.