
To keep you informed of important messages from the city!


INTERRUPTION OF WATER SUPPLY and PREVENTATIVE BOIL-WATER – Sutton Street - September 5, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

ln anticipation of this interruption, we recommend that affected residents stock up on water to meet their consumption needs during the interruption period, and to flush their toilets.


INTERRUPTION OF WATER SUPPLY and PREVENTATIVE BOIL-WATER – Curé-Trottier Street and 17 173 Brunswick Blvd. - September 9, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

ln anticipation of this interruption, we recommend that affected residents stock up on water to meet their consumption needs during the interruption period, and to flush their toilets.

Pedestrians and cyclists, be visible at all times!

Pedestrians and cyclists

Pedestrians and bikers are responsible for ensuring they are visible by other road users at all times, especially at night when visibility is reduced. It is one of the most important things to remember to ensure safe arrival at destination.

To be more visible, it is recommended to wear light-coloured clothing equipped with reflective strips that make the light from a car’s headlights bounce back to the driver. At night, motorists will generally notice a pedestrian or cyclist from a distance of 30 m.

Adding a reflective device increases that distance to 150 m, thereby increasing the driver’s reaction time. While certain sporting goods manufacturers already incorporate reflective material into their clothing (shoes, vests, jackets, T-shirts, pants and dog items), not all manufacturers see this as a priority. It is therefore possible to purchase reflective strips at most hardware or sporting goods outlets.

To further increase one's visibility at night, another good idea is to wear a reflective vest such as those worn by road signalmen and to carry a flashlight.