Civil documents - Ville de Kirkland

Civil documents

Civil documents

To request the services of a Commissioner for oaths, please schedule an appointment with the Town Clerk Department (514 694-4100, ext. 3114).

Forms and services offered:
  • Affidavit (general)
  • Authorization to travel with young children
  • Life and Residence Certificate
  • Invitation Letter or Lodging Certificate
  • Certification of a true copy of the original

Procedure for citizens

Anyone requesting a sworn statement must apply in person at Town Hall with the appropriate form duly completed, but not signed. A commissioner for oaths will then administer the oath. The applicant will have to present a piece of identification with photo and address.

Affidavit (general)
An affidavit is required when a person must swear under oath or make a solemn declaration.
The person will either write his or her own statement or fill out the required form available by clicking on the link below.  Either document MUST be signed before a Commissioner for oaths.

Authorization to travel with young children
This document is often required by customs when a child is travelling alone, with one parent or with a third party.
The parent giving his or her authorization for the child to travel must produce before the Commissioner for oaths a document containing the following information:
  • the name of the person who will be travelling with the child;
  • the travel destination (city and country);
  • the date of departure and return.
The person MUST sign the letter before the Commissioner for oaths and provide the following identification:
  • Two signed pieces of identification, at least one with photo and address (medicare card, driver’s license, passport, citizenship card or permanent resident card)
  • The child’s passport.

Life and Residence Certificate

The Life and Residence certificate attests to the fact that the person receiving income from a foreign country, is indeed alive. The recipient of such income usually receives an official document which MUST be signed at our offices. The applicant must show two signed pieces of identification, of which at least one is with photo and address (medicare card, driver’s license, passport, citizenship card or permanent resident card).

Download certificate


Invitation Letter or Lodging Certificate
This document is required to obtain a tourist visa to Canada. The attached document must be filled out by the person living in Canada who is acting as guarantor for the visitor. This form MUST be signed at our offices before a Commissioner for oaths.

Certification of a true copy of the original

The Town Clerk and Commissioner for Oaths may not certify documents or attest that a copy of a document is a true copy of the original document unless the document originates from the Town of Kirkland. However, they may administer an oath to the person presenting the copy and declare that the copy is a true copy of the original document. However, this declaration does not have the effect of giving authenticity to the copy. Indeed, only the custodian of an authentic document (for example: the notary for a notarized will, the Directeur de l’état civil for a birth certificate) can give such a value to a copy.
