
To keep you informed of important messages from the city!


Interruption of water service 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday, September 16 and Water-boil Advisory in effect when service is restored – 60B-96 and 61-99 Daudelin Street

ln anticipation of this interruption, we recommend that affected residents stock up on water to meet their consumption needs during the interruption period and to flush their toilets.

Finance and administrative services

Finance and administrative services

Treasury and Finance

The mission of the Treasury and Finance Department is to assume and manage the taxation of the Town of Kirkland. The department is called on to provide expertise and support in the areas of accounting, finance, budget process, taxation, all in compliance with the laws, regulations and policies currently in effect.

The department is active in several areas:

  • Finance includes all functions associated with investment and related financing, banking, financial and budgetary control.
  • Accounting’s objective is to provide services in the areas of accounts payable, billing, receivables, general accounting and payroll.
  • Taxation’s activities include the preparation and issuing of all invoices to owners, perception and collections, as well as the review and follow up of the municipal valuation role prepared by Montreal’s evaluation services.

The Finance Department is committed to excellence and working as a team which provides services and information to the public, the Town Council and fellow employees while maintaining high standards of excellence in the provision of these services.


The Purchasing department prepares and administers all facets of the call-for-tenders process with regard to Town contracts and acquisitions. Be it office supplies, major renovations, park maintenance or playground equipment, road salt or petroleum products for all Town vehicles, all purchases are made by the Purchasing department, which prepares the acquisition requests and purchase orders according to the specifications of each department concerned.

Our inventory and acquisition systems are computerised and incorporated into the town accounting system. At our general warehouse, located in the Public Works building, we keep in stock all materials and supplies necessary for the Town’s various services. The Purchasing department is always searching for suppliers with a view to acquiring goods and services at the best prices and under the best conditions possible. If you would like your name to be included on our list of suppliers, please fill out the registration form.

Human Resources

Applications and resumes are accepted year round in order to maintain our bank of available candidates. The Town hires candidates to fill vacancies in the following employment categories:

  • Temporary white and blue collar assignments. (unionized postings)
  • Full time permanent white and blue collar assignments. (unionized postings)
  • Student assignments
  • Instructor assignments
  • Part-time assignments
  • Municipal Patrol student patroller assignments
  • Management (non-unionized) assignments

To contact the Finance and Administrative services

514 694-4100

Finance and Taxation

[email protected]


Priya Thangavelu
[email protected] 

Accounts Payable
Sophie Morand Di Nardo
[email protected] 

Division Head
Marcelle Dion


Division Head
Nina Apithy

Section Head - Purchasing
Daffny Bah-Audate
[email protected] 

Human Resources

Negar Tayarani
[email protected]

Payroll and Benefits
Melissa Butcher
[email protected]

Division Head 
Cynthia Mullin
[email protected]

Section Head
Maude Lopez
ext. 3177
[email protected]
Section Head
Charlee Noy

Director of Administrative Services

Assistant Director General and Treasurer 
Nadine Bassila