Recreation and Library - Ville de Kirkland

Recreation and Library

Recreation and Library

Recreation Department

The Department is committed to the concept of developing the use of unallocated leisure for the pursuit of a wide range of activities and programs that are educational, recreational, and self-fulfilling.

Aims & Objectives 

  • Afford the right to share in all recreation opportunities to each individual within the community. Contribute to the enrichment of the quality of life and the advancement of our citizens through the encouragement of the positive use of recreation during leisure.
  • Aid each citizen to attain the full use of social, emotional, physical, and cultural capacities through the positive use of leisure. Create a positive attitude towards recreation.
  • Provide major leadership in identifying, mobilizing, and administering the finances, areas and facilities, and key personnel which will encourage the positive use of leisure.


Some of the most important functions of the library are to give Kirkland residents, access to information, to select, acquire books, to organize, manage and circulate a collection of documents which are educational, informational and recreational, thus contributing to the community’s personal development.

Aims & Objectives 

  • To offer various types of programming, in order to promote the library, its collection, resources and services to current members and to potentially new ones.
  • To offer a reference collection which can adequately answer all factual questions as well as questions that require more in depth research.
  • To offer a well balanced and diversified collection. This should include the classics, best-sellers, current events and of course, documentary books on various subjects.
  • To fulfil the needs and interests of individuals, organizations, associations and companies located in Kirkland.
  • To be in tune with the customers’ needs in order to better serve the community.

To contact the Recreation and Library Department

514 694-4100


Office clerk and Facility Reservation Agent
Brigitte Bernard
x 3314

Office clerk and Facility Reservation Agent

Carole Perreault
x 3311

Section Head - Social, Cultural and Senior Development
Nicole Alves
x 3323

Section Head - Recreation Facilities

Section Head - Recreational Programs
Bridget McCole
x 3300


Office Clerk
Suzanne Duguay
x 3205

Section Head - Public and reference services
Annie Tétreault
x 3204

Section Head - Youth and Technical services
Arianne Parent-Touchette
x 3209
Division Head - Library
Omar Soto-Rodriguez
x 3200

Director of Recreation and Library

Mike Klaiman
x 3310