Municipal taxes

Municipal taxes

Tax bills will be issued at the end of January and payment is due in two installments. Due dates for the first and second instalments of municipal taxes for 2025 are March 3 and June 2.  For your convenience, our offices will remain open from 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m., without interruption, on the due dates.

Terms of Payment

Under the Act respecting municipal taxation (R.S.Q., chapter F-2.1) and relevant municipal by-laws, if the total amount of the account is $300 or more, it may be paid in two equal installments. In all cases however, ratepayers may pay in a lump sum.

Accounts can be paid:

By mail : Please send the payment stub with your cheques to the Kirkland Town Hall and allow enough time. Payment received after the due date will result in interest and penalty fees.

In person, at Town Hall : Payment may be done by cheque made out to the Town of Kirkland, by debit card or cash (exact amount). Please note that credit card payments are not accepted.

At your financial institution’s counter/ATM (Canadian chartered banks) using the detachable payment stubs.

Online through your financial institution’s internet site (Canadian chartered banks). Just enter the 18 digits of the registration number shown on the payment stub, without the hyphens. In order to avoid interest and penalty fees, please allow two business days (48 hours) before the due date (excluding Saturdays and Sundays) for payment to reach the Town. 

Copy sent to mortgage company, if applicable*. Before sending tax payments to the Town, please ensure that your mortgage holder has not already made the payment on your behalf.

*The annual tax bill and complementary tax bills are sent to each property owner with the name of the mortgage holder and mortgage account number appearing in the specified areas.  Where there is no mention of a mortgage holder or number indicates that we were not provided with this information. It is the responsibility of the property owners to make arrangements with their mortgage holder for payment of taxes.
All cheques must be submitted in paper format provided by a Canadian or foreign financial institution, or by an establishment specialized in cheque-printing. Every cheque must be drawn against an account in a Canadian branch.
When a payment is not made on the due date, interest will be computed on the overdue portion only and the interest and penalty apply only to the overdue installment.

Municipal taxes applicable to the average home

2024 2025
Municipal valuation $810,982 $899,508
Tax rate per $100 valuation 0.6288 0.5825
Municipal taxes $5,100 $5,240
Water tariff $90 $90

For more details concerning tax rates, tariffs, revenue and expense budgets, as well as the Three-year Capital Expenditure Program, please consult the Info-Taxes 2025 (to come). For the Agglomeration share distribution, click here.

Complementary Tax Bills

In addition to the annual tax bill issued at the beginning of the year, property owners may receive complementary tax bills for the current or previous year.

Complementary tax bills are issued as a result of one or more assessor’s certificates for properties on which construction, renovation or demolition work has been carried out. The increase (or decrease) is then reflected in the new assessed value and adjusted billing follows covering the affected period.

Municipal taxes

Property tax bills available online

Kirkland property owners can now sign up for online property tax bills, a new service that allows them to access their property tax bill online and choose a preferred means of transmission for subsequent tax bills.

Sign up today! To access the platform, click here

Any questions?

514 694-4100, ext. 3119