Duties on transfers of immovables

Duties on transfers of immovables

Duties on transfers of immovables  - also known as the "Welcome Tax" - are charges that are payable to the City when the right of ownership on a property located within its territory is transferred. The buyer is the person responsible for paying these duties.

Calculation of the duties on transfers of immovables

For the 2025 fiscal year, the transfer duties for properties in Kirkland are calculated as follows:

On that part of the basis of imposition

which does not exceed $61,500 0.5%

which is in excess of $61,500 but does not exceed $307,800


which is in excess of $307,800 but does not exceed $500,000


which is in excess of $500,000 but does not exceed $1,000,000


which is in excess of $1,000,000


Example of calculation for 2025 using $1,100,000 as basis of imposition

Multiply $61,500 by 0.5% $307,50
Then, multiply $246,300 by 1.0% $2,463
Then, multiply $192,200 by 1.5% $2,883
Then, multiply $500,000 by 2.0% $10,000
And finally, multiply $100,000 by 2.5% $2,500
For a basis of imposition of $1,100,000, for 2025, the transfer duties therefore amount to: $18,153.50

Payment of transfer duties

The duties on transfers of immovables are imposed at the time of purchase of an immovable and are payable in one installment within thirty (30) days from the date of mailing of the tax bill. The basis of imposition corresponds to the greater of the following three amounts:

  • The amount of the consideration furnished for the transfer of the immovable
  • The amount of the consideration stipulated for the transfer of the immovable

The amount of the market* value of the immovable at the time of its transfer.

*As provided for in the Act respecting duties on transfers of immovables - R.S.Q., chapter D-15.1, the market value is the product obtained by multiplying the value entered on the roll of assessment for the unit or part corresponding to the transferred immovable, as the case may be, by the factor of the roll established for the fiscal year.

Comparison Factor

The comparative factor brings the real estate transaction price to a basis that is comparable to the market value. The comparison factor for 2025 is 1,08.