
To keep you informed of important messages from the city!


INTERRUPTION OF WATER SUPPLY and PREVENTATIVE BOIL-WATER – Sutton Street - September 5, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

ln anticipation of this interruption, we recommend that affected residents stock up on water to meet their consumption needs during the interruption period, and to flush their toilets.


INTERRUPTION OF WATER SUPPLY and PREVENTATIVE BOIL-WATER – Curé-Trottier Street and 17 173 Brunswick Blvd. - September 9, from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm

ln anticipation of this interruption, we recommend that affected residents stock up on water to meet their consumption needs during the interruption period, and to flush their toilets.


Formed of ten members including six residents, two elected officials and two managers, the Environment Advisory Committee (EAC) is charged with studying municipal project files related to the environment and sustainable development and making recommendations to the municipal Council in this regard.

In collaboration with the Environment Division, the EAC has for mandate to address key municipal issues regarding environmental protection, to develop policies and implement initiatives within that framework and in particular as regards residual waste and drinking water management, the preservation of our urban forest and reduction of greenhouse gas emissions. 

Committee members are appointed by resolution of Council and serve on a voluntary basis.