Vulnerable Person Registry - Ville de Kirkland

Vulnerable Person Registry

Vulnerable Person Registry

The Town of Kirkland is looking at setting up a registry to identify the vulnerable persons living on its territory. This initiative will allow the city to intervene quickly with these citizens during emergency situations (i.e. heat waves, prolonged power outages, snow or ice storms, etc.).

The registry applies to people :

  • In loss of autonomy
  • Living with a disability (auditory, visual, motor, sensory or intellectual)
  • With a cognitive impairment
  • With pervasive developmental disorders
  • With mental health disorders

You or a family member meet one of these criteria?

Sign up for the Vulnerable Person Registry by filling out the online registration form. An employee will contact you following your registration.


For additional information or if you need assistance to complete the form, please contact the Kirkland Recreation Department at 514 694-4100 ext. 3323 during regular business hours or send an email to