Engineering - Ville de Kirkland


The Engineering Department is responsible for the design and supervision of all construction and rehabilitation of infrastructure, buildings and road networks as well as the issuance of permits for all modifications to our public utilities grid.

Repaving Program

  • The estimated life a new paving is 20 years;
  • Every year the City chooses the roads that will be repaired based on their current condition and age;
  • The roadworks are done under the supervision of the Director of Engineering and the Division head - engineering. A team of civil engineering students are employed by the department for the summer season.
  • Rehabilitation work of the arterial network is the responsibility of the Town of Kirkland.
  • The arterial network includes St-Charles Boulevard, Brunswick Boulevard East, Hymus Boulevard and Service Roads of Highway 40.

Public Utilities

  • Hydro-Quebec
  • Gaz Metropoitain
  • Bell
  • Videotron
Communication and rapid response to their permit requests (poles, street cuts, connection to our network).

Traffic Lights

  • Oversee and manage the proper operation of traffic lights
  • Ensure that traffic lights in Kirkland are synchronised in order to maintain a fluid circulation of traffic

To contact the Engineering department:

514 694-4100

Administrative unit secretary
Suzanne Desjardins

Technical Agent
Dharmik Patel

Cartography Technician
James Wood

Division Head - Engineering
Isabelle Staub

Director of Engineering
Sam Tock, Eng.