Language directive - Ville de Kirkland

Language directive

Language Directive

Specific Directive on the Use of Another Language than French

The Town of Kirkland is a body recognized under section 29.1 of the CFL. In this capacity, the Town may use the options provided in sections 23 to 26 of the CFL that regulate the use of another language than French by a body recognized under section 29.1 of the CFL. These sections concern the language of signs, posters, documents, the services they provide, their use of technological means, their internal communications, their communications to other recognized bodies and the language used in their name, notices of meeting, agendas and minutes of deliberative assemblies.

This Specific Language Directive identifies other situations in addition to those provided in sections 23 to 26 of the CFL. It provides for the possibility of using another language than French in situations that are not covered by its recognition under section 29.1 of the CFL.

Accordingly, the Specific Directive on the Use of Another Language than French meets the government’s requirement by identifying the other exceptions provided by the CFL.

Specific language directive

Bilingual Status

Bill 96 allows cities to maintain their bilingual status, even with less than 50% of the population having English as their mother tongue, provided that their city council adopted a resolution to that effect. Thus, in a notice dated January 20, 2023, the Office québécois de la langue française confirmed receipt of resolution No CM23 026 adopted unanimously by the Kirkland Town Council, requesting that the Town’s bilingual status be maintained.

The Town of Kirkland can therefore continue to provide all of its services to the public in both French and English, and stand out as a proud municipality where bilingualism is the first language.

Resolution No CM23 026